


You would think after writing a book or two that there would still be plenty to say, but let's just take this as a work in process.  Not only that but my current free brain power is being invaded by werewolves!

Books for Blood and other Announcements

So it’s another week another blog post… who am I kidding, my posting schedule follows a mystical logic dictated by the movement of the stars, planets, and whatever pile of accounting ties up my brain all day.  I did want to give everyone the heads up about an amazing event happening in October.  I will be joining a group of talented authors to participate in Vampire Books for Blood.

For the entire month of October I will be donating $1 for every sale of both Four and Six to the American Red Cross.  Furthermore there are some great authors to discover who are also giving a little bit to help those in need, so please check it out.

I will also be visiting the always hilarious Bookies site for their annual Authtoberfest, and if you like and share my Facebook post (I need to share it on R.E.Carr then you can link), you have a chance to win a $10 Amazon gift card.  Last time I gave away a Four Playset so who know what sort of crazy shenanigans I’ll be up to this year…

Last, but not least, I have finally started up a newsletter and have a mailing list you can join. Don’t be alarmed, I promise to not spam you guys unless you want my recipe for an amazing musubi.  (My Hawaiian fans are totally getting this joke while you guys Google it…)  It’s just a list so that you can hear about new releases, sales and appearances from time to time, and I have a feeling you’ll want to join before October… wink, wink… know what I mean?

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