It Lives…
Just when you thought it was safe to talk about blenders, R. E. Carr has returned from the dead to write a blog post. Well I wasn’t actually dead, I just threw myself wholeheartedly into finishing a rough draft of a little manuscript in the Rules Undying series. I hope to have more news on Ten in upcoming weeks as well as on some exciting charity projects I’m working on for the fall so stay tuned.
I also have joined up with the awesome team at Ill Popcorn to participate in a weekly podcast that covers video games, pop culture and lots of superhero, sci-fi, and fantasy topics. We even occasionally sing our tribute to Sharknado: the Musical.
I’d love to hear what you, my fantastic Four fans, have been up to while I’ve been holed up in my writer’s chair and generally looking scary and speaking nonsensically. Please give me a shout out on Twitter @TotalRECarr or post to my Facebook page.
In the meantime here is a picture of baby platypuses in fedoras… because lord knows we all need a little more of that in our lives:
R. E. Carr