


You would think after writing a book or two that there would still be plenty to say, but let's just take this as a work in process.  Not only that but my current free brain power is being invaded by werewolves!

January Updates from R. E. Carr .

Hello again, my fantastic Four fans.  I just wanted to pop out of my cavern to give a couple of exciting updates as we all start 2018.

First up, I am excited to announce that Zero, the penultimate installment of the Rules Undying series will be available exclusively on Amazon on February, 13th 2018.   I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it . . .

In anticipation of Zero's release, Four, book one of the series, will be on sale until January 31st, and Six will be on sale until the 16th.

Ten will be on sale from January 17th through the 24th, and Point One Five will round out the sale from January 22nd through the 29th.  During these sale periods, you can get the eBook version of the book for only 99 cents!

Speaking of sales. . .

One of my talented fellow Kindle Press authors, Katie O'Rourke, has a sale going on now for 99 cents as well.  If you need a bit more drama to break up the black comedy, please check out her latest, Blood & Water at:  

I can't wait to hear what you all think and look forward to an exciting release next month. . .


R. E. Carr

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